Please submit any missing information on classmates or missing classmates. One form per classmate. This database now has 100% of all graduates and 100% of non-graduates. We have some contact information for all living classmates but still have 5 Non-grads ---some may be deceased--- without contact information.
The asterisk fields are required to be complete and this includes your name in the "submitted by" section. After completing the form, click the Submit button below to send to Pete and Elaine Stout (Data Admin and Tech Support). Thanks!
Note there is 1 non-graduate without a date of death (reference) . PLEASE let us know if you have information on this classmate. THANKS!
For Non-Graduates who have no contact infomation either in the Company lists or the NG Bingo Board NG. Provide as much as possible of the above with the Classmate's last Company being critical.